Regulations for the operation of the Omm BROWS online educational technology service website

I. General Principles

The online educational technology service system (hereinafter referred to as Omm BROWS) is operated by OMM INVESTMENT AND SERVICE TRADING COMPANY LIMITED ("Company"). Members on the online educational technology service system are traders, organizations, and individuals engaged in legal activities officially recognized by Omm BROWS and authorized to use services provided by the online educational technology service system and related parties.

II. General Regulations

  1. Definition

The domain name of the online educational technology service system: developed by OMM INVESTMENT AND SERVICE TRADING COMPANY LIMITED with the website domain name:


    Business registration number 0317259241 issued by the Business Registration Office - Ho Chi Minh City Department of Planning and Investment on April 22, 2022.

Online Training Course: A collection of multimedia lectures on a specific topic.

Selling Price (Service Fee): The fee that customers must pay to purchase the right to access a specific Online Training Course provided by Omm BROWS. The selling price listed on the website includes Value Added Tax. Customers only need to pay for one course once and can study it.

Instructor or Partner: Individuals, organizations legally operating with information declared on Omm BROWS, with the need to use Omm BROWS services.

Content Production Partner: Individuals, organizations with the capacity to convey information, quality content, possess knowledge and/or skills in specific fields that Omm BROWS collaborates with to compose, produce quality online training courses on content. Video lectures are professionally filmed, image edited, and post-produced at Omm GROUP. Ownership rights, author rights are specified for each partner based on the agreement between the two parties.
Learner/Customer: The person granted access to Online Training Courses on the Omm BROWS platform and/or website.

Right to access Online Training Courses: The right to log in to the Omm BROWS platform and/or website to view Online Training Course content.

  1. Principles
  • The online educational technology service system is owned and operated by OMM INVESTMENT AND SERVICE TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. Activities on the online educational technology service system include: Partners and Learners with registered accounts approved by the Omm BROWS system administrators.
  • Transactions of goods/services on Omm BROWS are conducted based on the principles of freedom, voluntariness, equality, respect for the legal rights and interests of the participating parties, without violating the provisions of the law and regulations of Omm BROWS.
  • All goods/services transacted on Omm BROWS meet the full conditions as stipulated by Omm BROWS and relevant provisions of the law, not falling under prohibited transaction items, counterfeit goods, or contraband
  • Partners and Learners, when registering accounts and using services on the Omm BROWS platform, have agreed to the operational terms, take legal responsibility for their actions, and commit to comply with all relevant regulations.
  • Omm BROWS commits to building regulations based on e-commerce regulations and complying with the regulations of Vietnamese la

III. Transaction Procedure

  1. Procedure for Learners/Buyers:
    Step 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (description with images)
  1. Shipping and Delivery Process:
    2.1 Shipping Policy
    Omm BROWS provides shipping through Third-party (COD) or online payment. Detailed information about shipping, delivery:
  • Online Payment:

When customers pay through Omm BROWS' online payment gateway, Omm BROWS confirms successful payment and proceeds to send the code via the customer's registered email. This is an automated sending method, Omm BROWS does not verify or confirm emails again.

  • Using Third-party services:

Omm BROWS uses a delivery partner to handle goods and services. All Omm BROWS orders delivered through third parties are free of charge. The delivery method applies within the territory of Vietnam without any geographical limitations. International transactions will be done through online methods.

In case of issues related to the shipping process, Omm BROWS will directly receive and handle customer complaints and compensate customers for any arising damages. All orders executed through third parties are delivered free of charge by Omm BROWS within the entire territory of Vietnam.

2.2 Delivery Time:
2.2 Delivery Time:

  • Inner city (calculated on Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang): 1 - 2 days;
  • Suburbs: 2 - 3 days;
  • Other provinces: 4 - 5 days;

3. Order Confirmation/Cancellation Procedure::
3.1 Order Confirmation Process

  • For Customers purchasing goods via COD: after filling in the customer's information, the order is confirmed via email and SMS to the customer with information about the Course, Bill number related to the Course.
  • For customers paying cash directly: Customers will be activated for the course directly at the Omm BROWS office.
  • For customers purchasing goods via transfer/online payment: The order is confirmed by email and SMS from Omm BROWS with information about the account, course code, and related information for customers to activate the Course.

3.2 Order Cancellation Process:

  • For COD orders: The order is considered canceled when the customer does not receive the order via delivery;
  • For transfer/online payment/Cash orders: Due to the nature of the product, activation information is sent to customers immediately after payment. Omm BROWS does not accept cancellation requests for orders executed through transfer/online payment/cash methods.

Mọi yêu cầu hủy đơn hàng được chuyển sang xử lý với yêu cầu đổi trả hàng và hoàn tiền.

  1. Complaint Handling Procedure::
    If customers feel that the course they are taking is ineffective, they can contact the Fanpage for advice to switch to another course, or Omm BROWS will handle corresponding complaints according to agreement and regulations.
    Please note:
  • All complaint reasons must be considered and evidenced by images.
  • Omm BROWS reserves the right to decide on resolving complaints for customers.
    Please follow the refund instructions here so Omm BROWS can refund you.
    4.3 Omm BROWS does not resolve complaints in the following cases:
  • Issues arising from learners:
  • Customers confuse courses (e.g., seeing advertisements for similar courses from other centers but ordering from Omm BROWS)
  • Customers cannot arrange study time or no longer want to study.
  • Technical errors from learners: During the course, learners encounter objective technical errors (damaged equipment, unresponsive network connection, outdated apps/browser cannot be studied, etc.)
  • Due to not carefully reading information about the course: learners please look up information about the course before purchasing. (Customer feedback is not knowing that the course is an online course?, Thought of studying online, thought of attending a class to ask the teacher, etc.)
  • Customers give general reasons (e.g., do not like to study anymore, not suitable, cannot do according to the course, etc.)
  • Payment to third parties: If learners pay for the course to any other partner/individual without proving that they have paid Omm BROWS. At that time. Omm BROWS cannot resolve complaints for you. In this case, please contact the partner with whom the learner has transacted for resolution.

IV. Payment Procedure

  1. Payment between Customers and System Management Board
    Customers purchasing courses can make payments through the following methods:
  • Cash on Delivery (COD):

Customers need to provide accurate information such as full name, address, and phone number. The delivery staff will contact you to deliver the Activation Code. You can activate your account yourself and start learning immediately.

  • COD fee: Free.
  • Payment via online payment gateway: OnePay gateway with ATM card, VISA, Mastercard
  • Payment via electronic wallet payment gateway Momo.

Payment by bank transfer

Customers can go to any bank in Vietnam (or use Internet Banking) to transfer money using the information below:

1. Account number: 219141345
Account name: OMMBROWS

Account holder: NGUYEN LUU BAO DUY

Bank: MB BANK - Military Bank - Ho Chi Minh City branch

Note when transferring: In the "Content" section when transferring, please clearly state: Phone number - Full name - Registered email - Course name you want to register
Example: 0912122424 - Nguyen Luu Bao Duy - - Hairstroke practice 21 day

  1. Payment between partners (partners, suppliers, etc.) and Omm BROWS Management Board
    According to the provisions in the Cooperation Agreement between the Two Parties, payment is made monthly after revenue reconciliation.

V. Ensuring Transaction Security

Customers are strictly prohibited from using any programs, tools, or methods to interfere with the system or alter the data structure. Distribution, propagation, or endorsement of any activities intended to interfere with, sabotage, or infiltrate the website system is strictly prohibited.
Any violations will be handled according to the regulations and laws.
All transaction information is kept confidential, except when required to be provided by legal authorities.

VI. Payment Information Protection Policy

Omm BROWS is committed to strictly implementing necessary security measures for all payment activities conducted on the Omm BROWS trading platform.

  • The payment transaction policy for international and domestic card payments (internet banking) ensures compliance with the security standards of Payment Gateway Partners (Onepay), including:
  • Customer financial information is protected throughout the transaction process using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.
  • Certification of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) provided by Trustwave.
  • One-time password (OTP) sent via SMS to ensure account access authentication.
  • 128-bit MD5 encryption standard.
  • Rules and regulations of information security in the banking and financial sector as prescribed by the State Bank of Vietnam.
  • The payment transaction security policy at Omm BROWS applies to customers as follows:
  • Omm BROWS only retains encrypted strings provided by the Payment Gateway Partner to Omm BROWS. Omm BROWS does not directly store customer card information. The security of customer payment card information is managed by the licensed Payment Gateway Partner.
  • For international cards: customer payment card information that can be used to establish transactions is not stored in the Omm BROWS system. The Payment Gateway Partner will store and secure this information.
  • For domestic cards (internet banking), Omm BROWS only stores the order code, transaction code, and bank name.

VII. Consumer Personal Information Protection Policy

  1. Purpose of Customer Information Collection
    Omm BROWS will collect information from Customers including: Full Name; Contact Address; Email; Phone Number; Username; Password.
    The data includes mandatory information declared by customers when registering an account on Omm BROWS;

When collecting Customers' personal information, Omm BROWS aims to provide the most practical utilities to Customers, protect their rights, and ensure respect for their privacy.

Within the scope of the terms, Omm BROWS commits not to sell, rent, or exchange Customer information data collected for any other entities other than those listed in this Regulation.

  1. Scope of Customer Information Usage:
    The data collected from customers is used within the following scope:
  • Providing advisory services to customers based on the information provided by customers;
  • Sending customers notifications about information exchange activities between Omm BROWS and members;
  • Ensuring the safety of customers in cases of account destruction, theft, or impersonation;
  • Contacting customers to provide goods/services when customers purchase products/services on the system. Confirming information during purchase and delivery activities;
  • Conducting surveys; promotional activities; providing updates on system operation terms affecting customers;
    Protecting Customer information is Omm BROWS's top priority when collecting Customer data. Omm BROWS constantly endeavors to comply with the highest standards for protecting Customers' personal information; Omm BROWS requires password reconfirmation during login to prevent unauthorized access to Customers' personal information systems. In case Customers leave their computer without logging out of the website, the system will automatically log out after a certain period.

3. Duration of Customer Information Storage
Omm BROWS will store data collected from customers from the time customers provide information until the termination of customer account activity.
If Customers request termination through the site administration, their information will be deleted from the system within 09 days of the request.

4. Information storage address
All customer information is stored at the following address:

Address: 149/98 Nguyen Duy, Ward 9, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phone: 0931739468


  1. Methods/Procedures for Customers to Modify Personal Information on the Data System
    Customers can independently check, update, adjust, or delete their personal information through the following methods:
  • Customers can log in to their account, access the personal information section, and edit their personal details.
  • Customers can call the system administrator support phone/email and request to edit their personal information.

6. Security Commitment for Customer Information
Omm BROWS administration pledges to protect customers' personal information with the following commitments:

  • Absolute commitment to data security as per Omm BROWS's personal data security policy.
  • Guaranteeing absolute security for all online transaction information, including transaction history and digitized document information, within the secure data center area.
  • Commitment to refrain from using, transferring, providing, or disclosing any customer's personal information to any third party without the customer's consent, except any other terms specified in this Regulation and by law.
  • In the event of technical errors or data breaches, the platform administration is responsible for promptly notifying the relevant authorities and customers within 09 days of the incident.

7. Information Sharing Parties
The Omm BROWS administration may share or disclose customer personal information when deemed necessary to protect the rights and interests of customers, ensure transaction security for customers, and at the request of authorized third parties.

The Omm BROWS administration may share customer personal information with companies within the Omm Group Online Education Technology Complex to research and introduce better products and services tailored to individual customers. In the event that customers do not wish to share their information, Omm BROWS fully agrees upon receiving a request from the customer

  1. Procedure for Resolving Violations of Customer Personal Information Usage Commitment
    In the event that customers discover their personal information being misused or in violation of the terms stipulated in this Regulation, customers can submit complaints to the Contact Fanpage: along with relevant information and evidence of the system's violation. The platform administration commits to responding to customer information within 24 hours of receiving the complaint to mutually agree on a resolution plan.

VIII. Management of Negative Information

  1. List of Prohibited Goods for Trading on the Website
  • Courses, free lectures from other distribution points (on the internet or not on the internet) cannot be commercially traded on Omm BROWS.
  • Courses, lectures contrary to the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, including the following contents:

Pornographic content;

Content related to the manufacture, processing, or use of weapons;

Content promoting violence or bodily harm;

Negative language or discriminatory language;

Content allowing illegal or unethical behavior;

Intentionally misleading or fraudulent content;

Content violating laws or regulations;

Harmful or inappropriate content. - Courses, lectures with content and images that violate Decree 72/2013/ND-CP on the Management, Provision, Use of Internet Services, and Information on the Network.

  1. Requirements for Conditional Business Goods/Services
    Requirements for conditional business goods/services: Providing business licenses for conditional goods/services.
  2. Management of Website Introduction, Product Promotion on the Platform
    3.1 Prohibited behaviors when posting information:
    Contrary to the laws of Vietnam and international laws, infringing upon the rights of third parties, and against the policies set by Omm BROWS.

Unauthorized use of others' accounts, posts, transactions.

- Posting misleading, inaccurate, distorted, or fraudulent content.

Sending various types of spam.

Using viruses, malicious software... affecting the operation of the website or infringing upon the property rights of users.

Copying or modifying website content including copyrights, logos, trademarks.

Using other users' information without consent.

3.2 Mechanisms for Reviewing, Checking Information about Products on the Omm BROWS System

  • The Omm BROWS administration implements mechanisms to review, check information about goods/services posted on the Omm BROWS trading system;
  • After partners upload courses to the system, the Quality Assurance (QA) department will receive and review the course information before publicly posting on Omm BROWS. The QA department will review the information for 9 - 15 days and provide results to partners.
  • If the course has met the review criteria, the instructor can publicly upload course information on Omm BROWS.
  • If the course does not meet the review criteria, the instructor will be guided to supplement information and return to the review process.
  • The Omm BROWS system administration has the full authority to remove products of instructors if they violate the provisions of the law or the system's operating regulations, policies, and regulations issued by the system.

The Omm BROWS system administration has the right to apply penalties, request compensation for damages as stipulated in the principles and operation policies of the system as well as according to legal provisions;

  • In case partners provide incorrect information, the Omm BROWS administration will review the information and request instructors to provide product information again.
  • The Omm BROWS administration has the fully right to decide whether to retain or remove products uploaded to the Website.

IX. Responsibilities in the event of technical errors

The Omm BROWS administration board always strives and commits to providing the best technical infrastructure services to Customers and Partners during transactions, ensuring the safety and stability of the technical system.

With the responsibility and obligation to provide best services, the Omm BROWS administration board will immediately apply all technical measures to ensure the rights of Partners and Learners in case of technical incidents.

For technical errors, software errors, or other objective errors leading to incidents in buying and selling, exchanging goods/services on Omm BROWS, the Omm BROWS administration board will support through the Fanpage Contact or Email.
If encountering technical difficulties, customers can contact Omm BROWS during office hours for timely support.




Services that can be support are as follows:

  • Technical error resolution service.
  • Service for answering inquiries and providing product advice.

X. Rights and Responsibilities of the E-commerce Website Management Board

  1. Rights
  • Members (including Partners and Learners) are required to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information. In cases where there is evidence that a member provides inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, or violates Vietnamese laws or customs, Omm BROWS has the right to refuse, suspend, or terminate the member's right to use the service.
  • Omm BROWS has the right to temporarily suspend the release of courses, edit or delete course content if we discovers that the course violates the law, infringes intellectual property rights, or violates the dignity and reputation of others.
  • Omm BROWS has the right to retain the copyright to use the service and course content on the trading system according to the provisions of Vietnamese intellectual property protection laws. All symbols and content in various languages are owned by Omm BROWS. Any acts of copying, using, and illegally disseminating intellectual property rights are strictly prohibited.
  • Omm BROWS may immediately terminate the member's right to use the service and membership rights if we discovers that the member has gone bankrupt, been convicted, or is serving a sentence, if the member continues activities that may cause legal responsibility to the trading system; engages in fraudulent, impersonation, market disruption, or undermines solidarity with other members of the system; engages in activities that violate the current laws of Vietnam. In the event of termination of membership rights and service usage rights, all certificates and rights granted to the member will expire and be terminated.
  • Omm BROWS has the right to change the course pricing and payment methods to suit the needs and development direction of the website as well as OMM TRADING AND SERVICES Co., Ltd

2. Responsibilities

  • Take responsibility for building the website, including key tasks such as research, design, procurement of hardware and software, internet connectivity, and developing service policies for Omm BROWS website operations within permissible conditions and scope.
  • Take responsibility for developing and supplementing systems with information on: e-commerce practices, domestic and international commercial law document systems, foreign markets, as well as relevant news related to website activities.
  • Provide complete and accurate information and contact methods of Content Production Partners.
  • Provide complete information about products offered on the trading platform: product information, prices, payment methods, and delivery methods.
  • Ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of information regarding online courses provided on the e-commerce trading system.
  • Provide information about our business situation when requested by authorized state agencies to support e-commerce statistics activities.
  • Comply with regulations on payment, advertising, promotions, intellectual property rights protection, consumer rights protection, and other relevant laws when selling goods or providing services on the e-commerce trading platform.

XI. Rights and Responsibilities of Parties Participating in the Website/Application Providing E-commerce Services:

  1. Rights and Obligations of Customers
    1.1 Rights
  • Learners have the right to participate in both free and paid courses provided by Omm BROWS.
  • Learners will enjoy the preferential policies provided by Omm BROWS. These policies will be directly posted on the homepage of the website and other information channels.
  • Learners have the right to contribute their opinions about Omm BROWS during the usage process. All suggestions can be sent directly via mail, phone, or email. All opinions and queries will be promptly addressed by the customer service department.

1.2 Obligations

  • Learners are responsible for the security and maintenance of their account activities using their registered username, password, and email. Students are obliged to promptly notify Omm BROWS of any unauthorized account usage so that both parties can collaborate to handle it.
  • Learners commit not to use Omm BROWS services for illegal purposes, fraud, illegal information gathering, sabotage, creating and spreading viruses that harm Omm BROWS systems, configurations, and information transmission. They also agree not to use the services to create fake orders for speculative purposes, causing market disruptions.
  • Learners commit not to copy, modify, disseminate, or distribute courses or create similar tools to those of Omm BROWS without the consent of the Omm BROWS trading system.
  • Learners are not permitted to act in a manner that undermines the reputation of Omm BROWS in any form, such as undermining solidarity among members, propagating false or harmful information to the reputation of the trading system.

2. Rights and Obligations of Partners
2.1 Rights

  • Partners have the right to request support from Omm BROWS during the course creation and filming process to ensure the content meets high-quality standards. Specific support details will be specified in the cooperation contract.
  • Partners can provide recommendations and/or proposals to Omm BROWS for modifying or supplementing the content of multimedia lectures in cases where details may affect the quality, credibility, and brand of each party.

2.2 Obligations

  • Ensure that the content of the lectures aligns with the objectives of Omm BROWS and the Skills Training Course program; convey accurate scientific knowledge and relevant practical skills; and comply with the ethical standards and cultural traditions of the Vietnamese people.
  • Fulfill tax obligations according to legal regulations.
  • In case of complaints from students about the course, instructors must cooperate with the management board of the Edumall Trading Floor to resolve them.

XII. Terms of Application

  • The official regulations of Omm BROWS shall take effect from the date of issuance as stated in the accompanying decision to these regulations. The Omm BROWS electronic trading system reserves the right to amend these regulations by notifying members through the Website. The amended regulations shall be effective after 05 (five) days from the date of the decision to amend the regulations. Continuing to use the service after the announcement and enforcement of the amended regulations implies acceptance of these amendments by the members.
  • The operational regulations of Omm BROWS will be continuously updated without prior notice. Members participating in Omm BROWS are responsible for complying with the current regulations when conducting transactions on the system.
  • In the event of disputes, the Omm BROWS trading system and Content Production Partners will reconcile on the basis of negotiation and mutual benefit. In cases where disputes cannot be resolved and reconciled by both parties, the parties shall refer the matter to the Economic Court where Party A has its principal place of business for resolution. The ruling of the Court is final and binding on the parties. All expenses incurred, including attorney's fees of the prevailing party, shall be borne by the losing party.
  • Omm BROWS is responsible for receiving information on legal issues, performing coordination functions, and requesting cooperation from parties to handle issues.
  • Upon completion of the negotiation process to resolve the issue, the parties are responsible for implementing the agreement as agreed upon.

XIII. Commitment Terms

All customer information is stored at the following address:

Address: 149/98 Nguyen Duy, Ward 9, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phone: 0931739468

